The total figure of dead could rise by a maximum of another 10,000 for the entire country due to ongoing research.
However, after seven years, due to continuing research the SMK method became increasingly used as a permanent option.
Due to these similarities and through developmental research, almost all scientists agree that feathers could only have evolved once in dinosaurs.
Due to new genetic research, it has now been placed in the vastly expanded family Plantaginaceae.
However, due to lack of knowledge and successful research in this field, little is known about the rates of clinical decline and brain atrophy.
Attention is a very multi-faceted process and it is better understood now due to cognitive research and the study of the brain.
There is a lack of information regarding life history due to little research done in these areas.
It wasn't until the late 20th century that Isolepis was reinstated as a distinct genus due to embryology research.
Due to contradictory research, a recommendation to reinstate the species status-though a widely held view-has not been published.