He leaned back, eyes shut, listening to the crackling sound, feeling the dull, baking heat.
He felt dull heat in his cheeks, because it had taken the other to point out what he should have seen at once.
He felt a dull heat in his cheeks.
Anger started building in me, beginning in the belly like a dull, throbbing heat.
Then it died and the dull heat came back.
At times it lay almost quiescent, no more than a dull heat beneath the surface of his soul.
He felt the dull heat of the light directly behind his good leg.
And something else - there was a band of dull heat above the place where Bill had been touching her.
Her cheek flared with pain and then dull red heat, like stove-coals.
Rowan felt the confusion again, and a dull heat in her face.