The silvery water had a spreading dull red patch on it.
In fact, this fragmented story is so uneventful that viewers might wonder how long the film can go on before it hits a dull patch.
In daylight, black ice may look like a dull patch of road surface that is darker than the rest of the highway.
It's a good thing Houdini's theatrics are still so entertaining, for they keep a viewer going through the many dull patches here.
In the dying glow she could clearly see dull patches of green on the surface of the water.
It left a dull, dimly lighted patch of wall at the spot where it had been.
You're shaped like a tombstone, except that you have an ugly, dull patch in your middle.
It sets up so many stories to get the news industry over the dull patches in the coming year.
The result is not all radiant insight; there are dull patches in each of the movements.
And the energy of the dancers enlivened even the dull patches.