Professor Schuck suggests that universities should not "place extra obstacles" before laws that were "duly enacted."
If international law is to have any force, we must stop negating it unilaterally, whether by covert action or later statute, however duly enacted.
Note that the law, duly enacted by the other two branches of Florida government, does not say that results submitted past the deadline "may be ignored."
This legislation has been duly enacted.
The Speaker of the Assembly nonetheless declared that the amendments had passed and they were duly enacted.
Although the five-year plan was duly enacted into law, it is more properly seen as a series of guidelines rather than as a set of direct orders.
You have more than fulfilled your part of our agreement, therefore I return my father's document, duly enacted.
Justice Stevens said the Line Item Veto Act "gives the President the unilateral power to change the text of duly enacted statutes."
Reasonable restrictions on these grounds can be imposed only by a duly enacted law and not by executive action.
Law, duly enacted by Congress and signed by the President, prohibited government support for the contras and trading with terrorist Iran.