She duly gave way a little, at which all the women started to chatter together.
The report duly given and commented upon, the bad news came tumbling out.
This they duly gave but they could not provide the funding.
Wishing to avoid any further trouble, he agrees to end the criminals' suffering, and the order is duly given.
The top seven, with the exception of Filippi, passed the safety car and were all duly given drive-through penalties.
Assurances were duly given and these locations were almost untouched during the battle.
Details duly given, was advised to ring again if notification of appointment was not received.
The order was duly given and accepted.
Edward's abdication required the consent of each Commonwealth state, which was duly given..
It was duly given a genus name Hectocotylus, which held for some time until the mistake was discovered.