Farmers near the plant dumped raw milk, while testing in the United States found 0.8 pico-curies per liter of iodine-131 in a milk sample, but the radiation levels were 5,000 times lower than the FDA's "defined intervention level."
How can anyone forget these low-life Belgian famers dumping milk to hold the EU taxpayers to hostage to demand more subsidies and protectionist policies to protect their profits.
But dumping milk would have meant temporarily cutting their income.
Between getting the new stock checked in and Michael's moodiness..." David grimaced and dumped milk into his coffee.
"She deserved a whipping for that," Ian commented, though he knew he would laugh later at the memory of his little girl dumping milk all over the young English buck.
On March 20, Romanian farmers dumped milk in protest after the government banned milk from five farms, which remain unnamed.
Then, after the rats knew the route, Lai confused them by dumping powdered milk into the water, making it harder to navigate--the rats had to make it to the platform by memory, rather than by sight.
"We know that suppliers are already dumping milk," said Jack Prince, the executive vice president and chief operating officer of Land O' Lakes Inc.'s dairy foods group, as he sat in the dark in an office that felt colder than the outdoors.
Farmers in Wainfleet dumped milk since it could not be transported out, and they also had trouble getting feed to their animals.
He also said other dairy farmers were dumping milk because some local milk processing plants remained without power.