East of Mobile Bay damage from oil spill cleanup crews and vehicles caused more damage to the fragile dune habitat than the oil spill itself.
It is in southwestern North America, extending eastward across the plains and with a large disjunct population in dune habitats in the southern Great Lakes area.
It can often be found in seaside dune habitat, where arbuscular mycorrhizae help it withstand saline conditions.
The presence of this grass was a major cause of the destruction of native dune habitat in Oregon and Washington during the twentieth century.
In dune habitats seed predators (Deer mice) were limiting seedling recruitment in the population, thus negatively affecting the population.
A coastal diorama depicts dune habitats from the barrier islands from Panama City to Pensacola.
In the early 1900s, the isolated dune habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta began to experience a dramatic change as human development expanded.
In its current range on the islands, it seems to prefer open Triodia (spinifex) and dune habitats, but will burrow anywhere except places with rocky substrate.
Associated with (shifting) dune habitats of fine, loose sand.
Because of the specificity of the dune habitat, the Anastasia Island Beach Mouse is extremely vulnerable to environmental factors.