VanCamp's portrayal of the character has been praised by several critics for how she has depicted Thorne's charming and duplicitous nature.
Part of the genius of this novel is in Humbert's duplicitous nature, to the other characters in the novel, but more importantly to the readers as well.
More important, a three-second shot of the guru's palatial hilltop estate was restored to help clarify his duplicitous nature.
Fearing personal harm and silently cursing Kallendbor for his duplicitous nature, the conjurer quickly gave them what they wanted.
If ever there was a study in the duplicitous nature of humanity, and the hypocrisy of the idolisation of black sportsmen, then this is it.
The plot unravels with Martin's duplicitous nature clashing against his desires to win Susan's heart.
However, he was soon dubbed "Nasty Nick" by the tabloid press because of his duplicitous nature, playing members off against one another.
Sonthonax is considered a controversial figure in Haitian history because of his duplicitous nature, his intetions were never clear and he was not trusted by the black population.
The test comes when Jim must make a public lecture and is unable to conceal his duplicitous nature.
Later on, his relationship with Andrea ends when she finds out about his dark, sadistic, duplicitous nature.