You may even have two very durable items: pasta and eggs.
The biggest declines in sales were for big-ticket, durable items.
Plainly, rock'n'roll is a durable item, and after 40 years, Big Fun is still to be found within this excellent medium.
They saturated the American market with nondurables in the 1980's and early 90's, using the profits to move onto higher-value, durable items.
Freight transport has become focused on containerization, although bulk transport is used for large volumes of durable items.
The wood of the tree is hard and tough, and it can be used to make durable items such as fence posts and tool handles.
In fact, the first store even carried durable good items such as lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners.
Big-ticket durable items, like cars and airplanes, make up half the index.
Finally, establishing a household has a large up front cost for durable items as for example a refrigerator, furniture, washing machine, and other items.
One sensitive area is durable items like copper and plywood used in the manufacturing process, an element of the intermediate-goods category.