Emma sat on dusty grass and eased off her boots.
Outside, even the flowers turned out to be brambles and dusty grey grass.
The dusty grass felt like rubber under his feet.
Three of the smaller children kicked the remains of the severed head about in the dusty grass.
After a moment, they returned to their cropping of the dusty brown grass or brush.
One lies unconscious, on his side, in the dusty grass.
He shoved up then, with all the strength of his thighs, taking another boy off his feet and leaving him flat on the dusty grass.
Renius cleared his throat and spat on the dusty grass of the field.
Here, in the stifl, cool night, he could smell the dusty grass and the sage.
Not a tree, not a bush, just the low, dusty grass, and the wide milky-blue sky above.