A dusty haze still swirled in the air, but Khan judged it safe to move on.
The dusty haze began to settle at last, clearing the air between him and other colonists.
He peered into the rear-view mirror but could see nothing through the dusty haze.
She was standing near the prow, looking out into the dusty haze.
Opportunity in particular is getting less power from the sun because it's blocked by a dusty haze.
During the day, a dusty, smoky haze settles over Baghdad.
The cart jerked forward in a dusty haze as the tires tore up the dry ground.
The morning light had a dusty haze in it not at all like the mists created of moisture.
Two figures dressed in black were climbing down the ladder into the dusty haze.
The shutters were slammed, cutting the light to a dusty gray haze.