The system is surrounded by a dusty ring.
The wind swept around them, howling over the waste, and their lamps made a dusty ring floating in the dark.
The training sessions are gruelling, the diet is rudimentary and the facilities are little more than a dusty ring for sparring and a few shared cabins.
They wear white jeans, T-shirts and sneakers, and against the dusty, dappled ring they look immaculate, handsome and invincible.
Debris from collisions between Kuiper belt objects and the smaller moons, with their relatively low escape velocities, may produce a tenuous dusty ring.
Uranus has a total of 13 dusty rings.
Ian found himself pushed, stumbling, into a dusty ring surrounded by shouting and whirling colors.
The Cassini spacecraft has recently found indications (small dusty rings) that even smaller moonlets may be orbiting in the Cassini Division.
The dark, dusty ring of material extends to within a few hundred million miles of the suspected black hole.
The main rings are denser and contain larger particles than the tenuous dusty rings.