Jaxom sighed and gave Ruth an affectionate farewell slap before slipping back down the dusty slope to greet the new arrivals.
It sprayed like a sudden rainstorm over the dusty slopes of the mountains.
He walked along the embankments between flooded paeonin fields, crossed the Breas, and climbed a path which wound up a long, dusty slope between scattered tombs.
Narrow flumes of spray plunged down from on high as the overflow was purged and released to run off and evaporate on the dusty slopes below.
The heath had begun its second bloom, brightening the dusty green slope with patches of carmine and delicate pink.
Their way took them up the dusty slope swarming with snakes near the place where Nika had seen the grass snake that morning.
Jak acknowledged her warning, and four or five minutes later the wag swung off down a bumpy, dusty slope, swaying along the ancient track.
"I spend most of my time here dealing with death," Mr. Bloom said, gazing at the expanse of glassy water and dusty slopes where summer temperatures reach 120 degrees.
Yama caught at bamboo stems and lost his grasp and slid down a dusty slope, fetching up against a low wall.
The lattys toiled up the dusty slopes of the Ramtops, mere motes in the foggy glass of the crystal.