It's just a dusty old storeroom, not the Holiday Inn.
According to one account, "Ropes, lamps and tallows were pulled from the dusty storerooms where they had been packed away for 55 years.
If that lie were not bad enough, she added, "I was going to say, if you want to hurry, why are we standing in this dusty storeroom all day?"
Broken computers from dusty storerooms were cannibalized - perhaps the wrong choice of words under the circumstances - for spare parts to decorate the restaurant.
In a dusty, windowless storeroom at the division's Atlantic City office, Mr. Stebbins showed one of several video surveillance tapes recorded by casino security departments.
He made the necessary connections, flicked on the master switch, and left the dusty storeroom through the same rear, basement window he had entered fifteen minutes before.
She continued down to the lowest floors, below dusty storerooms, down below the servants' quarters and workshops.
It's in a dusty old storeroom somewhere in the Rahad, and I think your guild, your Circle, must know where.
On their way home from Samothrace, the Lehmanns stopped in Vienna, where Phyllis sifted through the dusty storerooms of the Kunsthistorisches Museum.
It is the skin of a long dead carnivore they've found; stalked down some long neglected corridor, hunted out within a dusty storeroom then finally cornered inside a creaking trunk.