Great emphasis is laid on moral and ethical values and efforts are made to inculcate these values at a young and impressionable age, to enable students to become dutiful and responsible citizens of the society.
Everybody voted early, like dutiful citizens.
Surely, some dutiful citizen.
Like a dutiful citizen, I checked in with the Usher and he looked at his clipboard and said there would be about a fifteen-minute wait, so why didn't I take a seat?
'You have attacked dutiful citizens whose only fault lay in the fact that they happened to live in the path of your thieving mob.'
As she watched all the dutiful citizens in their dull muddy clothing, one mumbled an apology under his breath and his fellow passengers moved aside so he could get off without touching them.
I can be a dutiful citizen when it suits my purposes, but this wasn't one of those occasions.
It might be a sly parody of the kind of reverential icon that the authorities would want to find decorating the homes of dutiful citizens.
And yet the process whereby the dutiful, rational, moral citizen could be developed was complex.
The amount of time that you, a dutiful citizen of the modern world, should spend worrying about Y2K is zero.