Being a dutiful husband, Jeremy complied and found riding in a closed carriage with his wife a rather pleasant way to travel.
"I do," the dutiful husband said.
Post to their marriage the girls revealed that they knew about the guys' college activates & now Sam & Andy should lead their lives as dutiful husbands.
Lord Arryn was a dutiful husband, but their marriage was made from politics, not passion.
Rhodes never married, pleading "I have too much work on my hands" and saying that he would not be a dutiful husband.
The future P.L.O. chairman borrowed someone's wife and baby and slipped by as a dutiful husband.
"Come, darling wife, kiss your dutiful husband."
Yosi, the dutiful husband he was, wiped the sweat from her brow as she rested between contractions.
She becomes so tense and miserable that it affects her life at home, alarming her dutiful husband.
Your dutiful husband, Bruce.