If all the Sunday teachings she'd dutifully attended had instructed her in anything, it was that revelation came when and where least expected.
Having put off the appointment for several weeks, I dutifully attended my local breast screening clinic for a mammogram last month.
Although he doesn't enjoy school, he attends dutifully, without a word of complaint.
By night, the same lobbyist dutifully attends legislators' fund-raisers, often located within walking distance of the Capitol building.
He quietly did committee work and dutifully attended hearings.
He dutifully attended all the town functions.
There were many such anniversaries over the years and Levi dutifully attended them to tell and retell his memories.
So Benedict Campos dutifully attended school and prayed his parents would keep their promise.
Most professional dance academy graduation programs are worthy events, attended dutifully.
The group supervisors and primaries dutifully attended these seminars.