He went through his paces dutifully, but it didn't look as though he was having very much fun.
He dutifully went to Harvard but he soon got off the track and turned to the musical career his mother had always wanted for him.
At eight thousand feet he had them dutifully go to oxygen, just to be cautious.
When other officials dutifully went to orange, Baker doubled back to green.
Safely returned to her cabin, she agreed to meet him as usual for breakfast the next morning, and dutifully went to bed.
Chameleon went dutifully to the front, while Imbri made her way back.
Will had to do was call it back to the rose thicket and it dutifully went.
The next morning, his mother called him to shovel her driveway, he said, and he dutifully went.
She went dutifully from the hospital to the police station and finally found a detective who would take her report.
All dutifully went, although they did not relent on the issue of the oath.