It was not without internal struggle that he carried out the duty laid on him by Britain.
As environmental legislation has become more sophisticated, the duties laid on the chemical industry have grown more complex.
I-I admire your courage, coming so far to fulfil a duty laid upon you by another.
One more, the final record, and my annals Are ended, and fulfilled the duty laid By God on me a sinner.
Aye, Ayesha, it is so, since that is the high duty laid upon your soul, whereby it shall find wings to fly to Heaven.
The only emotions T'Pring brought forth in him were duty and obligation laid on him by others.
All in the Mirror Lancers know the difficulties of carrying out the duties laid upon us, often without the ideal support and supplies.
Brothers and Sisters," Hanks said after a moment, "four days ago, in this city, a man of God forgot the duty laid upon us by this passage.
In a way, I still had a duty laid upon me - I must learn how it fared with Joisan.
Whatever happens, we want that date to be kept to; it is a duty laid upon us by history.