These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by applicable law, this rule, and the parliamentary authority adopted by the agency.
It continues on to proclaim the sanctity of life, and declares the "preservation of human life" as "a duty prescribed by the Shariah".
In addition, the Secretary of State performs other duties prescribed by law.
Governance of the High Council is relegated to those duties especially prescribed by The Law.
The Attorney General can choose when to relieve any officer or person of any duty prescribed by law relative to the enforcement of any criminal law.
There are six obligatory duties prescribed by Jain Svetambara canons to acsetics which are modified to suit non-ascetics.
I brought him to the converter as my duty prescribed and then assumed my office.
After six hours in the crowded waiting room, the only doctor on duty prescribed a medication for the girl's stomach pains without a full exam, she said.
Reverence was the means by which one achieved the desired end of self-cultivation, necessary to fulfill the moral duties prescribed to an individual by their rigid, social obligations.
In Islam, Hijab is a duty prescribed on all Muslims though in the matter discussed in this article it applies overwhelmingly to women.