European duty-free sales amount to almost $6.5 billion a year.
Britain alone accounts for about 25 percent of Europe's duty-free sales.
By 2013 the pre-2010 rules regarding duty-free sales have been restored.
The benefits of duty-free sales, on ferries for example, help them to operate to a certain degree.
Whatever we say, it is still the case that the question of the existence of duty-free sales has extremely little to do with economic benefits.
Commissioner, it appears that you have set your face against the retention of duty-free sales.
Thirdly, you have said a lot about duty-free sales being an indirect form of support.
The abolition of duty-free sales, from 1 July 1999, would have serious economic and social consequences.
So, whether we like it or not, the completion of a real internal market must include the end to duty-free sales within the Community.
The key question here in political terms is the significance and future of duty-free sales within the Union.