Then the dwarf produced a tiny yellow ball from nowhere and flung it at Elric.
He knew precisely how much radiation the white dwarf would produce, assuming the readings he had been taking over the past several hours were an accurate baseline.
The dwarf produced a thin, rough-edged rope and advanced on him.
Without a thought, Cadderly handed the amulet to Ivan, and the dwarf, with a wink to his brother, produced a frog from his pocket and pinned the amulet to a loose fold in the creature's skin.
He looked to Ivan and indicated the drawer, and the dwarf reached into it and produced the nearly completed crossbow.
Their leader, almost a dwarf, wearing a stained black cloak and hat and a torn linen shirt, produced one of the largest pistols I had ever seen and grinned at me.
The central white dwarf, the remaining compact core of the original star, produces a powerful and hot ( 10,000 K) wind blowing with a speed of 300 kilometers per second, which has generated waves 100 billion kilometres high.
A dwarf who was possibly Mrs Hammerhock produced a bunch of keys.
The dwarf bowed and produced a slip of pasteboard from one grubby but lace-clad sleeve.
Photosynthesis as we understand it would be complicated by the fact that a red dwarf produces most of its radiation in the infrared, and on the Earth the process depends on visible light.