Shantytowns: Ad hoc dwelling sites of improvised shelters and shacks, usually near rail yards, interstates and high transportation veins.
Identification of archaeological cultures: the material remains found at dwelling sites, burial grounds, and other places where people left traces of their activity.
Among others, he studied the field Chimalhuacán, and found it to have been a dwelling site in conjunction with the Lake Texcoco.
The good natural fertility of most Fluvisols and their attractive dwelling sites on river levees and higher parts in marine landscapes were recognized in prehistoric times.
This land is next to and part of a Lenape burial ground and dwelling site.
In 1622, Cwmcidi contained 5 houses bordering "Comkedye Street", interspersed with a number of tofts (dwelling sites) plus three scattered dwellings.
Native Americans used the survey area for hunting and fishing and had permanent dwelling sites.
But those few Neanderthal dwelling sites that we've examined don't give us evidence of anything but the simplest, most basic sort of hunting-and-gathering tribal life.
Already during those early campaigns thick layers of hazelnut shells were discovered in all dwelling sites.
The cave was found to have dwelling sites and granaries, with pottery shards, baskets and hunting tools recovered.