Separate houses were the most common dwelling type and these tended to be large, with 74.6% having 4 or more bedrooms.
Within the core of the village there is a mix of dwelling types of various traditional designs.
Housing in Edgecliff is high density and the most common dwelling type was apartments or units (79.7%).
One of the dwelling types - Khaki-khana is such a monument dating back to 2000-1000 BC.
In Denistone, separate houses were the main dwelling type (85.3%) and only 0.6% of dwellings were flats or apartments.
The dominant dwelling types are semi-detached and detached houses, and apartment buildings.
The dwelling types in Gladesville were evenly spread between separate houses and semi-detached or units.
The incentive is available to nearly all dwelling types such as houses, apartments, villas, flats and town houses.
The dwelling types in Darlinghurst were mostly units and apartments or semi-detached houses.
The distribution of dwelling types will be provide a greater proportion of affordable housing.