In one session, the 150 scientists who attended the session are studying a large picture of a fruit fly's brain that has been dyed green.
They have those fringes of hairy stuff (sometimes dyed red or green) concealing their private parts, and some of the bigger and older ones have decorated themselves by tying strips of fabric around their arms.
Jason, being carried face down, twisted his head around to look at his questioner, a gray-haired man in ragged leather garments that had once been dyed yellow and green.
Even Christie Brothers, a traditional furrier, leavens sable, broadtail and chinchilla coats with novelties like a knitted cape outlined in lynx tails or raccoon coats dyed green or blue.
The resulting spaces were then dyed green.
In 2009 First Lady Michelle Obama, a Chicago native, requested that the White House fountains be dyed green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Historically, the river has been dyed green for Saint Patrick's Day celebrations in the city, a tradition that ended after the 2012 contest due to budget cuts.
The shell of the pistachio is naturally a beige color, but it is sometimes dyed red or green in commercial pistachios.
I still had the same cloak, but it was now dyed green.
The society sells bracelets from 200 kronor, including some made from leather dyed red or green with matching beads sewn among the pewter strands.