Instantly he dominated the group, and all felt the situation subtly charged with a new, dynamic atmosphere.
They are attributed to interactions between the dynamic atmosphere and the Earth.
The introduction of night-games in 1935 by the Cincinnati Reds not only spurred an increase in ticket sales, but also provided a new and dynamic atmosphere to the game which proved popular with the fans.
The newcomers also speak of the dynamic atmosphere, then go on to cite the ways the congregation has made them feel welcome.
Monochrome is a shift away from post-grunge alternative into a more modern pop/rock sound, using occasional piano and synthesizers to create lusher, more dynamic sonic atmospheres.
In spirit and numbers, Hindu youth from around the world were able to create a dynamic atmosphere of Hindu 'unity in diversity.'
The haze, however, does not obscure several storms - the blue and white spots - in the planet's dynamic atmosphere.
The most spectacular pictures so far remain those of pale blue Neptune and its dynamic atmosphere.
When the renovations of the army buildings are completed, visitors will benefit from the dynamic and evolving atmosphere created by this concentration of information technology experts and unique exhibits.
Astronomers knew of its dynamic atmosphere from ground-based observations and especially the Voyager reconnaissance.