Designed using dynamic components from the S-70.
Intellectuals, who own and create information and knowledge, are the most dynamic component of the productive forces.
We must maintain that momentum, and big-league baseball will add a dynamic new component.
The helicopter uses a new airframe with dynamic components based on the S-70/H-60 components.
And then further developing the dynamic components to take greater advantage of the power of the turbine engine led to the development of the Model 333.
The static component is the total soil resistance minus the dynamic component).
Sikorsky S-71 - a proposed attack helicopter using dynamic components from the S-70.
All rotor blades and other dynamic components are built by the company in-house.
Modern Web applications often apply scripts to elements to control their functionality and to enable them to act as a control or other dynamic component.
Bergeron, of course, needed no introduction to its most dynamic components.