Ward created convincing details of form and texture as well as a dynamic sculptural composition.
His success was made possible not only by his ambition, but also through the dynamic composition of his army.
As a cinematographer, Anand is best known for his dynamic composition, lighting techniques and the ability to tell stories through visual images.
Early examples showed them dining, but later groups showed most figures standing for a more dynamic composition.
The complexity of these interactions are observed in large, multifunctional complexes of possibly dynamic composition.
However, his later prints suffered from straining after an Italian grandeur, which left only the technique applied to far less dynamic compositions.
Thus, figures appeared in new perspectives, such as frontal or rear views, there were experiments with perspective foreshortening, and more dynamic compositions.
At the same time, his eye for dynamic compositions is apparent even in these quickly made images.
This dynamic composition is an important feature of the Dexter model [7]mentioned earlier.
Her art is most commonly the result of compiling many small organic sculptures of clay to create a much larger, more energetic and dynamic composition.