Dr. Browne was involved in the two dynamic social factors at the time, Politics and Religion.
This involves constant anticipation and balancing many different dynamic factors.
These dynamic factors may well have stronger impact on members of a CU than the static effects of trade creation and diversion.
There were too many dynamic factors.
The Allus would torture her until he told them about the thermo- dynamic factor.
In econometrics, a dynamic factor (also known as a diffusion index) is a series which measures the co-movement of many time series.
On this foundation, he identifies as to how human beings constitute the dynamic factors that are intrinsic in the study of administration.
The dynamic factor will always be larger than 1 because there will always be a velocity difference between the crane hook and the load during offshore lifts.
A plot of the dynamic factor versus significant wave height for a crane mounted on a semisubmersible and lifting from supply boat is shown above to the right.
He had a modernist vision of historical change, emphasizing the dynamic factor of humanity's perpetually increasing ability to understand and exploit their surroundings.