Yet it also provided a basis for the dynamic interpretation of biological processes, leaving room for a high degree of psychosomatic interaction.
The ensemble, say the concert organizers, combine an imaginative instrumental palette with fresh, dynamic interpretations.
His work aims to combine insights from art and science to produce innovative, dynamic and sometimes shocking interpretations of our changing world.
The other members of the snare section will "listen in" to the center for dynamic and timing interpretation of their parts.
For his part, the eccentric Englishman found real joy in talking with one of the two people who understood his dynamic interpretation of the world.
Its artistic approach reconciles two principles: a respect for the musical technique of the period (authentic performance) and a dynamic interpretation of the musical composition.
Teleological (or purposive) interpretation is particularly important, but also dynamic interpretation is not uncommon.
This would involve a genuinely dynamic interpretation of the Commission's right of initiative.
In other words, when it comes to the Eighth Amendment, the Court must employ a flexible and dynamic interpretation.
The position was that yes, it took bold and dynamic interpretation from what the framers of the 14th Amendment intended.