Brant is a dynamic public speaker, giving motivational speeches to various organizations and corporations.
These designs have some advantages over traditional dynamic speakers, but they fall short in other areas.
Dunn was widely considered one of the most dynamic speakers among the general authorities in the 1970s and 1980s.
A dynamic public speaker, marvelous television personality, not flamboyant but direct and forceful.
Although he was a dynamic speaker, he could neither read nor write.
Have a dynamic speaker and some entertainment.
He is a Populist and still a dynamic public speaker, even though he is in his late 60s or early 70s.
The series brings high profile and dynamic speakers to the campus yearly.
He will be able to use that to define himself any way that he wishes, except, of course, as a dynamic speaker.
Bill is a very dynamic speaker; his presentations are always interesting and passionate.