The variety of dynamical behavior seen in CNN processors make them intriguing for communication systems.
Depending on the value of μ, the tent map demonstrates a range of dynamical behaviour ranging from predictable to chaotic.
Slightly changing any of these parameters can give significantly different dust dynamical behavior.
The scientists belong to a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field devoted to complex dynamical behavior in systems from astronomy to biology.
Among other applications, the circle map has been used to study the dynamical behaviour of a beating heart.
This dynamical behavior is recurrent, the object becomes a quasi-satellite of Pluto every 2 Myr and remains in that configuration for nearly 350,000 years.
Within biophysics, he is known for experiment and theory in understanding the dynamical behavior of protein tertiary structure.
Cellular automaton rule space allows us to ask the question concerning whether rules with similar dynamical behavior are "close" to each.
The mass distribution of a solid defines its center of gravity and influences its dynamical behaviour - e.g. the oscillations and eventual rotation.
This becomes really tricky, and not really settled to my knowledge, because what you are asking is: "What is happening to the wave function's dynamical behavior?"