They will use these data to improve theoretical models of the upper atmosphere and how its dynamics affect the ozone problem, world climate and other phenomena.
This dynamic will affect more of us as the Web grows and more people's reputations are mediated there.
"We thought it would be fun to look at this group, now that they've attained a certain celebrity, and see how the dynamics of their relationships has affected them," said Chuck Roven, the film's producer.
For example, the dynamics of a family can affect a child's well being and delinquency rate.
Or, in other situations, the dynamics of the control system may affect aeroelastic phenomena.
Not only do such dynamics affect the physical landscape, but they also affect species that associate with kelp for refuge or foraging activities.
"I hope that the dynamics of the political situation in the city will not affect the choices that have to be made."
The same dynamic could affect any decision about closing Continental Arena, said Mr. Thigpen, noting that it sat there "like a mountain."
The choice of instruments, registers, and dynamics affect the overall tone color.
Political sociology was traditionally concerned with how social trends, dynamics, and structures of domination affect formal political processes, as well as exploring how various social forces work together to change political policies.