It has undergone several renovations over the centuries under different dynastic rulers of the region.
K'ak' Chan Yopaat was the eleventh dynastic ruler at Copán.
The revolution which had put him in power and ousted the dynastic ruler just after the war had been a bloodless affair of little international consequence.
After the Knights were driven out by the Turks in 1551, Tripoli was held for more than 350 years by various Turkish and local dynastic rulers.
Between 900 and 980 the counts of Toulouse gradually lost control over the county, with the emergence of local dynastic rulers in every part of the county.
You're the dynastic ruler of Shad.
Zilin thought of the succession of Chinese dynastic rulers who had done the same thing.
And the successor will sometimes (as often is necessary) have rapport with some or many of the previous dynastic rulers.
Or, and this is an equal possibility, he will have rapport with some of the future dynastic rulers.
Some rebellious kings were replaced by "calpixque", or appointed governors rather than dynastic rulers.