According to one study, black teenage women living in dysfunctional homes were more likely to have serious health issues for themselves or children.
He is the elder brother of four sons and grew up on a dysfunctional home.
As I said, I come from a dysfunctional home and we're all products of our environment.
Some conservatives assert that dysfunctional or non-nurturing homes are the responsibility of the parents, and government should not get involved.
The strategy behind these programs is to make the school surrogate parents to kids coming from dysfunctional homes.
You probably come from a dysfunctional home where no one can spell the word polite, so the lack of manners may not be your fault.
All too many children live in dysfunctional homes or with relatives or foster parents who lack the resources and skills to care for them.
The killer was from a "dysfunctional home" and might have been abused, either physically or emotionally, by his mother.
Rosenthal took up painting at age 13 against the backdrop of an increasingly fragmented and dysfunctional home.
Children from dysfunctional homes often marry the happy family they never had.