New York has a storied tradition of governors in dysfunctional political marriages.
These people apparently wanted to believe that their own marriages and families, however dysfunctional, were like those Hallmark images.
Hubert and Rose's claustrophobic, dysfunctional marriage is dissected layer by layer in the stories that follow.
Maybe this survivor of a dysfunctional home and a dysfunctional marriage finally found a man in whose company she could relax.
Middleton grew up inside the "law-tossed" world of a dysfunctional marriage in a country without divorce.
Knutson had considered addressing her dysfunctional marriage in public two years earlier, but had been dissuaded by her aides.
It's not a dysfunctional marriage.
It is a thumbnail sketch of a couple in a dysfunctional marriage.
Her first feature film, "Momentos," a portrait of a dysfunctional marriage, was made in 1981.
The story of the world's most public dysfunctional marriage is over.