Analysts point out that the growth of active eBay users in its largest markets, including the United States, has slowed.
The relationship that is formed with eBay users is similar to the users of craigslist.
This section requires a credit card to validate the age of the eBay user.
At that time, 50% of its business came from eBay users.
That compared with 285 aimed at eBay users.
"We were being 'swiped,' which evidently happens a lot, but I was never much of an eBay user."
An eBay user (whether seller or buyer) may be suspended if there are too many complaints made against them.
For example, data showed that some eBay users exhibited reciprocity towards partners who rated them first.
"The early eBay users saw the trade as just an excuse to get to know other people who shared their passions about collecting."
That has made it particularly popular with eBay users.