The latter was delighted to have such prompt, even eager attention from the police.
Immediately he leaped onto the chair and sat at eager attention, regarding me intently.
But all this eager attention might have been useless if the doctor so loudly called for had not chanced to be in the hotel.
Bruce read the awkward printing of the first two lines with eager attention.
He just listened with eager attention, even to those details which were of no interest to him.
Almost at once he straightened and resumed keying commands, now with a look of eager attention.
She left off playing just as the connoisseur who was her listener had passed the first stages of surprise and become eager attention.
Mog-ur was aware of their eager attention and used it to his advantage.
But Fraina gave him such eager attention that he plunged happily forward.
There was no doubt that the eager attention of his audience was caught.