The relative dearth of Treasury debt in the market and eager sellers always creates an extremely risky situation for those wanting to sell short.
The usual absence of eager sellers on a Friday afternoon in summer also cost many of the buyers dearly.
Prudential, the eager seller, agreed to subsidize future losses until early 2001.
Presently, they don't seem to be eager sellers.
Russia, China and France, among others, are eager sellers.
But a year ago, the Pirates were eager sellers and the Cubs eager buyers.
Whatever the employment figures portend, bond market participants had to struggle with eager sellers and reluctant buyers here and abroad.
Many brokerage executives have been eager sellers because of their growing need for additional capital to finance expansion.
For example, he said, eager sellers can assist cash-poor buyers by contributing to the closing costs.
With the collapse of Drexel and the junk-bond market, there are many more eager sellers of corporate assets than eager buyers.