Performers, years ago nervous about doing live television, now approach the series eagerly as an essential career tool.
Meanwhile, Marshall had come into the store, shooing away an eagerly approaching clerk with the irritable: "I want to look around first!
Boxtel eagerly approached, and, finding himself face to face with William of Orange, started back.
Yet baby Mitch, when introduced to the very same playroom, watched with interest, laughed, and eagerly approached the exciting toys and strangers.
Latie stepped out of the entrance to the earthlodge, and seeing Ayla with the horses, approached eagerly.
The one Avril and Stev were eagerly approaching was no more than the crater of a sunken volcano.
He eagerly approached the dark, bearded man looking at commercial trucks.
The lad, overgrown and fuzz on his chin, approached eagerly, stumbling over his feet, then made a leg so long he almost fell.
Richter and Helm approached eagerly as the fireman dragged a charred form from the foam.
She looked past Johnny to see the head medic eagerly approach her.