The spectators, waiting around the square, as well as Feofar-Khan's body-guard, to whom this execution was only one of the attractions, were eagerly expecting it.
To a couple eagerly expecting their first baby, the outlook was devastating.
Donal hastened home, and found himself eagerly expected, for the letter young Eppy had brought was from the earl.
All of Sarajevo is eagerly expecting a return of regular utility service before winter lays its cold hand on the city.
Eagerly expecting the two men's quarrel for power, Russia's "sympathisers" in the West in fact prevent this quarrel by their own policies.
Bart brings home a geography test with a grade of 100, eagerly expecting a party that was promised to him if he ever got a 100.
Looking at the field and eagerly expecting a farmer, Isei suddenly found himself facing a young samurai intent on his own business.
But now, with listeners who have bought a satellite radio and paid a premium and who are eagerly expecting the unexpurgated, what will be shocking enough?
All the people are expecting eagerly for that event.
With a kiss they part ways, both eagerly expecting the new day.