Afterward, he eagerly participates in group therapy sessions.
Some young women would eagerly participate in these stripper-like activities to gain attention from young male patrons, and the house-sanctioned photographers.
The girls eagerly participate although Cammie sneaks away to an undisclosed location which causes Adam to worry that she is cheating on him.
But some lawyers and private investigators say there is evidence that many contractors participated eagerly in the corruption.
Sometimes he participated eagerly, luxuriating in the sensations she produced.
Kielland participated eagerly in public debates regrading women's rights.
Children eagerly participate in the show, which is peppered with pop, rock and rap music.
Everyone sporting a new dress eagerly participates in the procession or awaits it.
Both participate eagerly in therapy groups, take pride in their work and accept blame for their crimes.
"He eagerly participates in scheduled unit activities."