Pundits eagerly scanned the Democratic convention for the disease; some invented examples when they failed to find it.
I snatched the first copy out of the messenger's hands and scanned over it eagerly.
She nodded now and then as her eyes eagerly scanned the approaching shoreline.
Consumers cleaned out newsstands and eagerly scanned the airwaves for the latest reports of market activity around the world.
Sulu scanned the screen eagerly, and found the gap he was looking for near the very top.
But even as they eagerly scanned the linen department, they could not help shaking their heads with nostalgia.
The boys eagerly scanned the formidable wall of rock.
Athinalani turned the sword over and eagerly scanned the other side in the same detail.
Aldo eagerly scanned the article in the Rome newspaper.
They eagerly scanned the horizon where they had last seen the car disappear.