A blurred blue eagle hovered above his right ankle.
The French eagle hovers over the Vistula.
When hunting mammalian carnivores, the eagle may hover for some time over the potential prey and not press the attack unless the mammal looks down.
A wolf guards the western door and an eagle hovers over it.
A dark eagle hovers menacingly above.
The voidmarks cleared, the eagle hovering above the flaming river, but there was barely time for that vision to register: Recusante was falling toward the river, its apparent speed increasing with every second.
Valhalla has spear-shafts for rafters, a roof thatched with shields, coats of mail are strewn over its benches, a wolf hangs in front of its west doors, and an eagle hovers above it.
In one early evening sojourn I spotted red-breasted fly-eaters among the reeds, an eagle hovering overhead, and herons and egrets in the trees.
The eagle hovered in the sky, readying itself to swoop down and snatch up a mouse.