When launching an assertive attack, red foxes approach directly rather than sideways, with their tails aloft and their ears rotated sideways.
Splendid ears rotate independently to follow sounds.
The external ear anomalies consist of small, rotated or even absent ears.
Andragna's ears rotated in opposite directions.
Jack's ears stood up and rotated like tracking dishes as we watched them pass.
"Belle, I thank thee for this service," he breathed, knowing she heard him despite the rush of air and booming of the passage of the Phazite ball, for her left ear rotated toward him.
She looked around, and her ears automatically rotated about a hundred degrees on either side, checking for sounds.
His astonishing ears rotated independently, one a fly swat, one on radar alert, conducting the sound of the chickadees, sending semaphore to the bees.
Ten ears pricked up and rotated toward me, and ten bright, human eyes fastened upon me from lupine faces.