The formalism of early Beethoven was displayed, along with his idiosyncratic system of musical needling and rewards.
Indeed, it has often been compared to early Beethoven, although it was written only six years before that master's death, 16 months after Voříšek.
It was a little disconcerting to hear Schumann sounding like early Beethoven.
One thing the Monday program demonstrated was that "early Beethoven" covers considerable stylistic ground.
Here he offers a big afternoon program of early Beethoven (the C minor Sonata, Op.
He is especially fond of late Beethoven, only slightly less so of early Beethoven.
He began with early Beethoven, the A-major Sonata from Opus 2.
We have had many period performances on records of early Beethoven and his predecessors.
Forget the links to Haydn that pianists often underscore in early Beethoven.
It was the instrument for which Haydn, Mozart, and the early Beethoven wrote their piano music.