Prior to this finding, the earliest ancient Homo sapiens remains that had been found were half as old.
These have been attributed to Australopithecus, early Homo and Paranthropus.
Since the arrival of those early Homo sapiens, we've advanced considerably.
The emergence of cooking in early Homo may have created problems of food theft from women while food was being cooked.
Regarding articulation, there is considerable speculation about the language capabilities of early Homo (2.5 to 0.8 million years ago).
While initial research assumed a modern human type of growth, more recent evidence from other fossils suggests this was less present in early Homo.
But there has been no agreement on whether the earlier Homo was of the habilis species or a different, transitional species.
Other palentologists familiar with the work said the jaw was just what they had long sought to begin filling in the fossil record for early Homo.
Perhaps the clans of early Homo sapiens did little to impress these men of renown.
A neanderthal skull-cap and other bones had been found, and various remains of early Homo sapiens.