He also was a notable early Christian apologist and a polemicist against heresy.
Essentially, these early Christian apologists were saying, "So what, our religion looks similar to your religions, but we did not copy from you.
The early Christian apologists deployed the euhemerist argument to support their position that pagan mythology was merely an aggregate of fables of human invention.
Tertullian was a notable early Christian apologist.
Justin Martyr, early apologist for Christianity (b. 100)
He was a notable early Christian apologist.
The early Christian apologist Arnobius notes other authorities who also regarded them as mortals who became gods.
This interpretation was held by several early Christian apologists.
What earlier apologists had celebrated as God's greatest gift to humankind-free will, liberty, autonomy, self-government-Augustine characterizes in surprisingly negative terms.
This is an allusion the charges of Thyestean banquets and other immoralities, which the early apologists constantly rebut.