The building itself has an eclectic history cluttered with the contributions of earlier architects.
I was amazed at the cool air that seemed to waft naturally through the arcades in these mosques, a sign of the early architects' skills.
Mr. Kemp was an early architect of supply-side tax cuts to stimulate investment.
Frederick Louis Roehrig (1857 - 1948) was an early 20th-century American architect.
Richard like many early architects, learned building design as an apprentice.
His father was Warren H. Williams, a leading early architect of Portland.
Blackjack is considered an early architect of the Yukon Land Claims agreement.
The early architects miscalculated the number of pillars needed to support the belfry and put in too few.
Until recently, Rietveld items were known mostly to specialists - museum curators, collectors and art dealers - in furniture by early 20th-century architects.
He is recognised as an early architect of geriatric care services in Scotland.