The 'harvest reckoning' referred to earlier by Kelly, came near the end of the winter.
This change is believed to be early and complete by the 8th century at the latest.
Therefore today is earlier than yesterday - by exactly 99 years.
It was still early by L.A. standards, and there hadn't been too much drinking yet.
It was still fairly early by the sun, something between nine and ten, and the hobbits turned their minds to food.
I know I'm early by a month, but surely you can't have that many guests?
Nor are they like the buyers of the far quieter early 1990's, who simply stayed home and bid by telephone or through a dealer.
Article 3a, referred to earlier by the rapporteur, shows what can be done to keep the widest audience for special events.
Troy II was too early by hundreds of years.
It won't be early by the time I get there.